Why we care about the California Public Records Act

12 years ago

There was a political firestorm over the last week about the Public Records Act. State funding for local government agencies…

Jodi Arias’s famous last words – “No jury is going to convict me”

12 years ago

The Arizona jury reached its verdict on Wednesday that Jodi Arias was guilty of first degree murder. Here are some…

You’ve been stopped for DUI. Can officer force a blood draw?

12 years ago

You’re stopped for a DUI late at night. You’ve had a few beers. After the officer questions you, and instructs…

Should Boston Marathon bombing suspect be read Miranda rights?

12 years ago

Under Miranda v. Arizona, before a suspect who is in the custody of the police can be questioned the police…

Oakland police-officer involved shootings

12 years ago

An article in the Bay Citizen on Wednesday criticized the investigation of officer-involved shootings in Alameda County, and in particular,…

Alameda County makes progress on alternative sentencing

12 years ago

Leadership in Community Alternatives (or “LCA”) is a private company that for many years has provided alternatives to prison and…

Status of federal gun control legislation

12 years ago

Since the tragedy in Newton, what have we done? Here’s the status of gun control legislation in Congress. – Senator…

Illegal government surveillance? Supreme Court doesn’t care

12 years ago

After the 9-11 terrorist attacks the Bush administration put into place a system of warrantless surveillance of international telephone calls…

Federal Sentencing and the Guidelines

12 years ago

The United States Sentencing Commission (“USSC”) just released a report to Congress studying federal sentencing data nationwide. Congress commissioned the…

Is our email private?

12 years ago

I was shocked by the access which law enforcement had to the email between General Petraeus and Paula Broadwell. I…