ACLU files civil rights lawsuit against Prop 35

12 years ago

On November 7, one day after Californians passed Prop 35, the ballot proposition on human trafficking, the ACLU filed a…

California Ballot Prop Score Card

12 years ago

Here’s how I plan to vote on the initiatives on the California ballot that involve criminal justice. Prop 34 –…

Prop 35 and Sex Trafficking

12 years ago

Proposition 35 (“Californians Against Sexual Exploitation” or “SAFE”) has an appealing title and a goal with which no one can…

Sex offender residency requirements don’t do the public no good

12 years ago

In 2006 California voters passed Prop 83 known as “Jessica’s Law.” Jessica’s Law makes it illegal for registered sex offenders…

Finally, electronic home detention in Alameda County

12 years ago

Judge Carol Brosnahan, a well respected Alameda Superior Court judge, just issued a decision of which we can all be…

Parole Outside a Minor’s Natural Life is Cruel & Unusual Punishment

13 years ago

In Graham v. Florida, the U.S. Supreme Court held that sentencing a juvenile convicted of a non-homicide crime to life…

Keeping up with California’s Expanding Assault Weapons Ban

13 years ago

The complicated web of laws in California banning “assault weapons” can leave well-intentioned and law-abiding gun owners scratching their heads.…

New Data on Local Supervision of Felons

13 years ago

Initial data was released by the Chief Probation Officers of California about “Realignment.” Realignment was the radical sentencing reforms passed…

The science of eyewitness identification

13 years ago

Last year I wrote about a path-setting decision by the New Jersey Supreme Court finding that the criminal procedures for…

Arizona Immigration Case

13 years ago

The Supreme Court ended the 2012 term with the must-anticipated federal health care law decision. But the High Court also…